1. Introduction ( 8 min )
1.01 How to learn Production Scheduling    
1.02 Problems and Solutions for the Manufacturing Industry

What are common problems in the manufacturing industry? This video will address the most common problems that manufacturers face on a daily basis and will offer an introductory insight to solving those.
1.03 Why Production Scheduling is Necessary?

Why is Production Scheduling Necessary? Can you respond to your clients' questions about the delivery dates of their very important and sometimes rush orders? This video will demonstrate how you can reduce delays, shortages and inventories.
1.04 Four Secrets of Success in Implementing the Production Scheduling Software

Before we proceed to the series of Asprova Tutorials and Prototype creation, we need to first help you understand the secrets to successfully implement a production scheduling software through this video.
2. Beginners
20 Modules and Options ( 7 min )
20.01 Modules and Options

Different manufacturers have different needs. This video will show you the Modules of Asprova and available options for each module. This will help you decide which Module and Options are most suitable to your situation.
Online Help: Module Structure
20.02 Network Modules

If you are required to create multiple schedules, Asprova has network modules to connect those. Let's see the Network License Server or NLS and the Data Server or DS on this video.
21 Try out sample data ( 29 min )
21.01 Mixing - Packing - Inspection process

On this example, a factory is producing ProductA which goes through three processes - Mixing, Packing and Inspection. Let's see how to create this kind of scheduling using Asprova. In addition, we will show you how to make a new schedule considering a sudden rush order.
21.02 Plastic products, mixing - injection using molds

This second example will show you how to use two resources for one production process. This is typically used by manufacturers using molds in producing finished items.
21.03 Metal processing, cyclic long processes

This video will demonstrate how to use Asprova wherein processes are cyclic, repeated. This kind of scheduling is very hard if done manually, but you will see how much easier and a lot faster it will be with Asprova.
21.04 Mold production, Assembly process

We will demonstrate how you can make a production schedule where multiple items will merge into the last process to produce the finished item. You'll also see how easily, by using the mouse to drag and drop, to adjust schedules.
21.05 Sales - Production - Purchase scheduling

Now we are going to demonstrate the auto-replenishment function. This is a function that automatically registers replenishment orders to prevent a shortage of a raw material.
22 How to make a prototype ( 21 min )
22.01 Single process scheduling

We will now teach you how to create your own prototype in Asprova. In this video, we will show you how to create production schedule from the start. From entering master data, orders, setting up Asprova to creating a single process schedule.
22.02 MRP

This second prototype creation video will now consider raw materials and inventory. The example here is creating an item composed of two different materials which we will also use in the following videos of creating a prototype of Asprova.
22.03 Multi-Process

We have shown you how to create a single process scheduling last time. Now we will demonstrate how to create a multi-process schedule with Asprova.
22.04 Auto replenishment

This video will explain the auto replenishment feature of Asprova by which it is possible to automatically replenish insufficient items for production and purchase orders.
22.05 Sales order scheduling, MTO

This video will explain how to register make to order sales orders to automatically create replenishment through manufacturing orders.
22.06 Sales order scheduling, BTO

In the previous video, we explained how to schedule MTO (Make to Order). Now, we will demonstrate how to schedule BTO (Build to Order) production with Asprova.
22.07 Sales order scheduling, MTS

We will now explain how to schedule MTS (Make to Stock) production. This video will also cover auto replenishment feature of Asprova.
22.08 Purchase scheduling

This last video tutorial for prototype creation will briefly explain the purchase scheduling.
23 User Interface ( 30 min )
23.01 Create Project and Setup Scheduling Period

We will now explain how to operate Asprova according to operation flow from this video. You will also see how to set up the scheduling basis time from this demo.
Online Help: Table time chart windows overview
23.02 Integrated Master Editor table and Column Settings

This tutorial shows how to copy and paste master data from excel sheet to the Integrated Master Editor and how to hide columns that are not be needed for the mean time.
23.03 Display Settings - Style

After hiding the columns and changing the column width, we can use and save the "Style" when we want to reuse the same display settings.
Online Help: Style settings
23.04 Setup Shift, Calendar and Display Resource Gantt Chart

Setting the Shift and Calendar table and adjusting the Display color to easily view the operations on the Resource Gantt Chart.
23.05 Add Order 1 - Create User Property

Adding new property which is not in Order table of Asprova initially will be discussed in this tutorial.
Online Help: New Property Definition dialog
23.06 Add Order 2 - Copy and Auto Fill

We will show you how to adjust the column of the Order table in order to paste the data from the prototype data sheet to Asprova.
Online Help: Shortcut keys
23.07 Layout Settings - Layout

Registering Prototype datasheet to Asprova and saving new layout settings will be discussed in this tutorial.
Online Help: Layout settings
23.11 Reschedule - Message Window

We can now create a schedule as we have finished the required data settings. We will see the evaluation of the scheduling results displayed in the Message Window.
23.12 Check Lateness - Order Gantt Chart

We can learn from this tutorial how to quickly check the orders with delays of due dates as well as see several adjustments we can do to make it easier for you to see the visualized production schedule of Asprova.
23.13 Check Operations and Move Operations - Resource Gantt Chart

Checking and moving operations and adjusting delayed orders will be discussed in this video.
Online Help: Fix
23.14 Change Calendar - Resource Gantt Chart

In this video we will show the "what-if" simulation that you can do to try to eliminate delayed orders.
23.15 Check Operations and Move Operations - Dispatching View

We're now going to show you how to utilize Dispatching view to confirm or adjust operations.
23.16 Check Load of Resources - Resource Load Graph

This video will show you how to check the load of resources through Asprova's Resource Load Graph. We will explain how you could set up the graphs so as you could see which resources have heavy loads.
23.17 Check Shortage of Items - Inventory Graph

We will show you how you can check whether or not there's a shortage of materials by looking at the inventory graph.
23.18 Pivot and Grouping

How to sort the list aggregated by the order quantity of each customer or item using the Pivot Table and grouping will be thoroughly discussed in this tutorial.
Online Help: Grouping
23.19 Change Status to Release - Resource Gantt Chart

Changing status of operations to either "Released", "Completed" or "Unfreeze" which can put out instructions.
Online Help: Status
23.21 Enter Result - Resource Gantt Chart

We will now show you how to input the results from the Resource Gantt Chart and how "Completed" and "Started" operation bar look like.
23.31 Reschedule Again - Change Scheduling Basis Time

Confirming the progress of the current operation and optimizing schedule for delayed orders by changing the scheduling basis time and rescheduling.
23.32 Reschedule Modify Order

We had a sudden request to change the due date.
24 Scheduling Logic ( 36 min )
24.01 Shift and Calendar

Setting up the working days and time in Asprova through the Shift and Calendar will be discussed in this video.
Online Help: Calendar settings
24.02 Command

The [Scheduling parameters] determines the processing that takes place when you run the rescheduling. The [Scheduling parameters] is made up of "Commands", each of which defines different kinds of data processing.
Online Help: Scheduling logic
24.03 Parameter

We will study the basic functions like "Assignment Direction", "Resource Evaluation" and "Dispatching Rule" in this tutorial.
Online Help: Logic Overview
24.04 Status

We can see in which state each operation is from the "Status". We will learn how to fix the operations to be stuck at the Resource Gantt Chart and set several status such as "released", "frozen" or "completed".
Online Help: Status
24.05 Resource Quantity

Let's take a look at how to set up certain pieces of equipment and/or operators that are available in certain time periods. We will also show an example of how to shorten the production time by half in this tutorial.
Online Help: Working time
24.06 Furnace Resource

Let's study the furnace resource. It is a resource in which multiple operations are assigned to start and finish at the same time.
Online Help: Furnace resource
24.07 Sub Resource

We will learn how to register and assign the sub resources to the same time with the main resources or to the internal or external setup time only on this tutorial.
Online Help: Setting a sub resource
24.08 Setup Time (Item,Spec)

In this video, we will teach you how to schedule the "setup time" with switching items and specs in Asprova.
Online Help: Specifying a setup time for changing spec
24.09 Setup Time (Resource)

Let us now study how to create a schedule set up by switching the main resource and sub resource. We will show that it is also possible to schedule the setup time for changing molds and jig tools.
Online Help: Setup time
24.10 Material Requirement Calculation

This video will teach you how you could calculate required quantity of materials and move the input time from the manufacturing time to the setup time.
Online Help: Explode orders
24.11 Material Requirement Calculation (Yield, Scrap)

Calculating material requirement while taking into account yield and scrap will be shown in this tutorial.
Online Help: Explode orders
24.12 Time Constraint

We will be learning how to connect previous operation with the current operation taking into account time delays for each resource and item.
Online Help: Time constraint method
24.13 Operation Split

In this tutorial, we will show you how to divide operations up within one process and distribute them to multiple resources. Matching to actual on-site size flow and reducing lot size to cut lead time.
Online Help: Operation split
24.14 Auto Replenishment

Let's study the Auto-replenishment function of Asprova where we can inspect the inventory of the raw material and parts and automatically create replenishment orders.
Online Help: Auto-replenishment production
24.15 Safety Stock-Inventory MIN

Now, we will discuss how you can set the safety stock with Auto replenishment function. If you set the safety stock, then orders will be auto-replenished so that the inventory will not fall below the safety stock.
Online Help: Safety stock
24.16 Inventory Constraint

We are going to study how to detect when the material is about to run out from the Inventory Constraint feature of Asprova.
Online Help: Inventory constraints
25 ERP Interface ( 20 min )
25.01 Relation between ERP and Asprova tables

We will now going to show you the basics of integrating Asprova with ERP systems such as SAP, QAD, JD Edwards, Microsoft Dynamics AX and legacy systems.
25.02 Sample integration scenarios

We have prepared seven example scenarios of data exchange and we will take a look at them in the corresponding videos.
25.03 Scenario 1 - Import planned orders and production orders

Let's study how Asprova will import planned order and production order from external files in this tutorial.
25.04 Scenario 2 - Use MRP and finite capacity scheduling of Asprova

Let us now study the next scenario wherein the imported manufacturing order for the inventory and production of parts will be created automatically by MRP.
25.05 Scenario 3 - Import planned independent requirements and customer requirements

This video will teach you how Asprova implements the MRP by importing data from external systems and scheduling sales orders.
25.06 Scenario 4 - Export production orders

In the previous videos, we have shown you how to import data from external files to Asprova and scheduling sales orders. Now we will teach you how you could export production order including start and end time from Asprova.
25.07 Scenario 5 - Export purchase requisition

Now, let us study how to export the purchase requisition generated by Asprova in this tutorial.
25.08 Scenario 6 - Import BOM and Material

How to schedule according to the imported BOM and Items Data (Material) will be taught in this next video.
25.09 Scenario 7 - Import Routing

In this last video of ERP integration with Asprova, we will show you how to import the BOM, Material and Routing Data from ERP to Asprova and create a schedule.
26 How to plan and conduct the introduction project ( 13 min )
26.01 Steps for Implementing an Asprova Project

Let's now introduce you on how to implement Asprova on your company step by step in this video tutorial.
26.02 Understanding the Current Situation and Setting Goals

We will now show you how to fill out Asprova's Diagnostic Sheet. This is helpful for creating a proper prototype to see whether Asprova is suitable for your factory or not.
26.03 Creating a Prototype and Investigating Systematization

Aside from creating a prototype, we will be investigating systematization in this tutorial in implementing Asprova.
26.04 Signing the Contract, Creating Data, Starting Operation and Maintenance

After we have properly filled out the Diagnostic Sheet and decided that Asprova is suitable for your organization, we are now ready to learn how to start implementing Asprova in your factory and the necessary manpower needed in smooth and successful Asprova implementation.
3 Intermediate
30 Data Structure and Expression
30.01 Data, Object and Property - Item and M-BOM   Video
30.02 Order, Operation and Work Instruction   Video
30.03 Property settings, User class and property   Video
30.04 Expression   Video
33 Scheduling parameter and Commands
33.01 Scheduling Parameter and Command   Video
33.02 Assignment direction and Dispatching rule   Video
33.03 Backward scheduling including buffer to Due date   Video
33.04 Create Composite Parameter   Video
33.05 Customise Dispaching rule   Video
33.06 Backward scheduling from Bottle-neck process   Video
33.07 Adjustment   Video
33.11 Resource evaluation   Video
33.12 Custom Dispatching rule   Video
33.13 Item and Resource time series geneartion   Video
33.14 Assignment suspension and Command midway execution   Video