Asprova uses the following types of orders. All orders, regardless of their type, are entered in the Order table along with Item, Quantity, and Due date properties.

  • Manufacturing orders
    Information that indicates how many of what item to manufacture by when.
    When a reschedule is executed, operations are assigned for each process according to the Integrated Master of the item.
  • Sales orders
    Used to enter orders received from customers. Their shipping dates can be scheduled.
    * Requires the Sales option.
  • Purchase orders
    Used to enter purchased resource information of finished items, manufactured parts, raw materials, and parts.
    Purchases can be scheduled by taking into account procurement lead time and quantity.
    * Requires the Purchase option.
  • Fluctuation inventory
    Used to enter future plans (time and quantity) for the reception, shipment, and scrapping of items.
    For receiving schedules, set the quantity to a positive number and the due date to the time that the item is planned to be received.
    For shipment and scrapping schedules, set the quantity to a negative number and the due date to the time that the item is planned to be shipped or disposed.
  • Absolute inventory
    Used to enter the stock on hand or inventory of items.
    Enter a time that is earlier than the scheduling basis time for the due date.